Last Day Alert

It’s the last chance… for romance… in KU-uuuu!


Okay, sorry… but yes, the last day for those ten titles is upon us. Tomorrow, to be exact. Tomorrow night, okay, well, Thursday morning very early sometime, unless the Zon randomly decides to check the stay in box again. They do that. Every damn time. I uncheck, and double and triple check the uncheck, but every time books fall out, one or two stay in. I go check, and sure enough, the stay in box is checked. At least they allow you to uncheck on that day only to remove the title from KU… so there is that…. What was I saying?

Oh, yeah, if you still haven’t read the following titles in Kindle Unlimited, you have until around midnight Pacific time tomorrow night to get them into your KU library. Books in your KU library will stay in your library until you return them. But once they are out of KU you can’t get them into your library.

While I’m at it, let’s talk about how KU works for the author/publisher… when you the reader borrow a book with your KU membership, we the author/publisher will be paid a tiny amount per each page that you read. One time. Only once. If you keep a book to re-read in your KU library, we will never get another less than half cent for any of those pages read. That’s not to say you shouldn’t. We were (hopefully) paid for your original read, just like we’re paid for one original purchase through the zon. I’m just saying that there are readers who do believe we are paid every time they read the book in KU. We aren’t. I’d highly recommend keeping an eye out for sales on favorite books you’d like to keep forever, and purchasing those books. It will free up space in your library for more new stories to read.

Though, it would be nice if KU did pay out for every page read no matter how many times… but they don’t. So… alas.

What was I saying… again?

Oh, yeah,

Grab these titles quickly if  you haven’t already, they will be out tomorrow night.

Through the Ghost

Sunny with a Chance

Double Coverage

Wicked Game

In from the Cold

Cold Shadow

Behind Iron Lace

Behind Frosted Lace

Need You Now

Light from the Dark

All links above are Amazon affiliate links, if you should purchase anything through the link I will be compensated a small amount.

And a gentle reminder that the remaining books, The Southern Scrimmage and Adventure INK series’ will fall out at midnight-ish April 24th.

And also, in about a month this site will likely disappear due to lack of funds to renew it. If or when that is final I will post new links to old blogs in case you want to continue to read my ramblings.


That’s it for today. I’m going to fill out Aubrey’s FAFSA now, so pray for me. Tomorrow we’re going to start painting the kitchen. Nearly 9 years in this house and we still have builder beige in the main rooms.

Talk later, and as always,



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