Category: Television

Talking TV – The Lincoln Lawyer

The other day I mentioned that I was watching The Lincoln Lawyer series on Netflix. I said it started off like most network law shows and didn’t know if I would finish it.

I finished season one last night. So let’s talk about it.

First, it’s not The Queen’s Gambit. It didn’t kick me in the head and trample all over me and keep me watching until it was all over in seven little hours of on the edge of my seat binge watching. No it wasn’t that good.

But, it wasn’t bad. I was somewhat like a network law show but, being a limited series with an over arching storyline. it moved away from that format.

Did I like it?

Yes, yes I actually enjoyed the series. I haven’t started season two yet so this is just my thoughts on the first season.

There were aspects of the show I didn’t like. And, honestly, it was predictable, and unfortunately slightly cliched for the genre. It’s based on a series of books, so that’s to be expected, I guess. I think they spoon feed you much of the mystery, but then mystery is my second favorite genre and spotting red herrings is my specialty. Also, well, that’s part of the autism/ADHD thing. I’m great at detail. That is my superpower and my curse. It’s also why I don’t like much of what is out there. I hate watching the first five minutes and knowing almost exactly what’s going to go down. And this show didn’t exactly hide it’s culprits… I think the worst thing about this show was that the lawyer was supposed to be a great lawyer, but he had to be hit over the head with much of what was plainly obvious to anyone, even his daughter. That, and I didn’t like the ex-wife storyline. I know why it was necessary, but that would be spoiling. I still didn’t like that much of the drama between them was forced and unnecessary and made her look bitter and angry. Much of what she blamed him for was not something he had control over. I don’t like the angry bitter ex but MC desperately needs to win her back trope just for her to go back to being angry and bitter. Do better male writers. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t at fault, just that the things she focused her anger on were not his fault and were completely out of his hands.

Good supporting cast. More than one mystery to tie up. One that did surprise me, but then that wasn’t a focus of the story. Everything else was painfully obvious. But it was still an enjoyable series, halfway decent mystery thriller. No filler episodes. No nudity or sex. Standard Los Angeles scenery. If you’ve seen one cop drama set in LA you’ve seen them all. But they used the scenery well. Also, why are all LA set shows orange? Is it to portray the desert sun? I don’t know. Is it orange there? I’ve been to San Diego. It wasn’t orange at any time of day. Looked normal… like Florida with mountains.

Anyway, if you have Netflix and were interested, The Lincoln Lawyer is good. Go watch it.





Yesterday was Wild

I guess spring tornado season kicked off with a bang yesterday.

Oh, my, god!

I didn’t know it was coming until I got an email from the county school board on Tuesday announcing school closures for Wednesday (yesterday). Like… that never happens. Just for hurricanes or the occasional ice storm.

And yeah, it was kinda bad. Wave after wave of storms. Driving rain, electrical, winds so strong we had to pull limbs out of the ground today that were literally planted by the storm, flooding, and tornado warnings. All day. I’m pretty sure something passed over the house at one point, which was probably what “planted” the tree limbs.

I heard there were tornadoes and bad flooding over in Slidell and New Orleans LA. I don’t think we had any touch down here, but I haven’t watched the local news… in years… so I don’t really know.

But, we survived. I still need to go out and look at the roof to see if there are any limbs imbedded in it. Other wise we survived. And honestly, I hate to know what the next storms will look like if that was round one.

But, at least the pollen is under control now… so there is that.


In other news.

Have you ever avoided watching a TV show for years, one that fascinated you, and you knew you’d probably enjoy, even though you’d seen nothing but rave reviews? And when you finally decide to watch it, you find it so good you binge the whole damn series in one night?

Yeah… me too.

For me, I think, it’s two fold. I don’t trust other people’s judgement in TV. Too many people tell me that something is incredible but I find it terrible. Or they hate it and I love the hell out of it. Or, I’m so very afraid to trust the show to be good and not end up destroying their own premise and plot by the end until I feel betrayed by the actual show… (See The Magicians, season 4).

Well, I finally broke down and watched The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix. A period piece about a girl chess player.

Y’all… that show was incredible. From beginning to end. It’s dark drama. Not horror, just, very much like what I write. And that’s what I look for. I want drama, with some trauma, but not enough trauma to trigger my own. Oh, I’ll still watch the trigger drama trauma, but I’ll just be fucked up for a while after it.

TQG starts with Beth standing on the side of the road in the late 50s or so, dirty, stunned, and pans to the scene of a car accident. She was the only survivor. It follows her through her years at the girls orphanage/school. How she is very much autistic and different. And goes from there… it’s not just a chess movie. Though it 100% is a chess show. It’s about her coping with her life before the orphanage, and her path through the chess world… to self.

Without being too spoilery, that’s it in a nutshell. There’s sex but no nudity. Substance abuse and addiction themes. But considering the time period and her past those would be strange not to be included.

So, if you’ve been circling it, and love period dramas with a “sports” underdog theme… this is highly recommended.

Now, I’m trying to watch Resident Alien, and am struggling with it. I like the show okay. I have problems with the alien’s humiliating attempts to fit in with humans. It’s the second hand embarrassment issue I’ve talked about. It makes me uncomfortable watching him made a fool of. I’m trying to get past it because the story otherwise is good.

And I started The Lincoln Lawyer series last night. I don’t know, it’s too network TV coded for my tastes, and I don’t like network TV crime drama/copaganda shows. The only show I watch on network is Ghosts on CBS. Have I ever mentioned that I don’t like sitcoms? I loathe sitcoms. Especially the ones with laugh tracks. LOATHE!

Why yes, I am a picky media consumer. I either love the hell out of it, or loathe it with a white hot fury. I absolutely refuse to acknowledge the existence of Supernatural season 15. To me, that show ended with a cliff hanger. And I will forever be saddened by that.

Anyway, I hope everyone in the path of the storm survived it unscathed. And happy media consuming to you. I’m going to give Lincoln Lawyer another go tonight.

